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25 November 2023

The X Factor


What's your X factor?  By which I mean, what's the thing which makes your life really worthwhile?  I know that for many of you, the X factor will be your family: the children, grandchildren and maybe even great grandchildren whose faces are not just in the photographs around your room, on your phone or in your wallet, but even more. always in your mind and heart.  

I've never had children so my closest relative is a nephew whom I see about three hours each year and after that it's cousins.  I get on with all of them but I don't think they are really the source of life's meaning for me.

I've heard it said, "If you've got your life and your health, that's everything" and that may be true but my health isn't all that wonderful either!

And yet I think I have a wonderful life.  My faith is central to that life and that faith brings with it an attitude of gratitude.  I've no children or close family but I have lots of people who care about me and help me.  My health isn't great but I am able to live a rich life and I can afford to buy things to enable me to live independently and safely.  I am able to contribute to community life by being a good neighbour and by being a worship leader.  I have enough commitments to make me feel valued but not so many that I feel overwhelmed.

So, what's your X Factor?


  1. Definitely agree with you that my faith is the cornerstone which underpins my life and keeps me going. Family and friends are so precious too. When we were able to buy a home of our own, on a corner plot, that's why we called our little bungalow "Cornerstones"

  2. My X factor is the comfort that no matter what happens, my faith will sustain me. Apart from that it's the scent of the first coffee of the day!

  3. Definitely my faith comes first.


  4. Me, well at one point I would have said my faith. However right now I am having a bit of a crisis of faith. I still believe though. Just need to figure out if Catholicism is the faith I should be following. Then family is next.

    God bless.
