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04 November 2023

More answers: ambitions

Poppy Patchwork asked What plans have you, things to do before you get too old and regret not doing them?

Can I let you into a secret?  I want to go on another cruise!  

I felt a little deprived when I was seventy as covid was raging and anyway I had just had a replacement knee so my activities were limited.  When I was sixty I had hosted a lunch party but at seventy it was a quiet lunch at home with just a couple of people.  So I decided that I would celebrate when I am seventy five.

I never thought that I would enjoy cruising but about twenty years ago my sister, who was in poor health, decided she wanted to achieve a few life ambitions which included cruising off Alaska and seeing whales in their natural habitat.  She was a wheelchair user and needed an assisitant so our Mother paid for me to go as well.  I loved it and when I retired I took another cruise to see New England in the Fall.  It was on Queen Mary II and left Southampton on my birthday so I felt it had my name on it!  
Queen Mary II

This time I want to go to either the Arctic or the Antarctic.  Probably the Arctic.  I've seen a wildlife watching cruise which I quite fancy.

This ambition influences quite a lot of things I do.  It's motivated me to get fitter so that I can enjoy the trip.  It's motivated me to continue to lose weight.  It's motivated me to organise my finances.  The very idea brings a smile to my face.  All those things are contributing to a happy, healthy retirement now.  


  1. What a lovely idea. My late sister in law regularly went on cruises with Saga. She was picked up from her home and returned at the end of the cruise. Saga are a very good company I think.

  2. It's always good to have a plan, something to work towards or to enjoy the anticipation of the event.

  3. Awesome plan. We also fell in love with cruising after our Alaska cruise.

    God bless.

  4. What a wonderful goal to look forward to and plan for.

  5. Having a goal is always a good thing! And yours sounds like such fun!

  6. Isn’t it lovely to look forward to such “treats”. I do hope you get to go on and enjoy your cruise. I’m leaving for Japan in six weeks and am growing more and more excited to see old friends again and to explore new places. And then next year for my 70th it’s the long awaited UK trip for which planning has begun. Margaret (New Zealand)
