One of my favourite bits of being a Guide was camp fire singing. There was little finesse about it. Silly songs. Loud and enthusiastic singing. A tasty hot dog.
Last night I went to a camp fire again, my first for over thirty years. This time it was with the Trefoil Guild - GirlGuiding for Grown ups.
It started with a barbecue. Bit of a change there - everything was perfectly cooked unlike the burnt sausages and near raw burgers of my earlier days. But that's what happens when it's grannies who do the cooking.
No balancing plates on knees whilst sitting on the ground. These days our local camp site has proper picnic benches (and showers, and flush loos, and even some electric lighting).
Then to the campfire area. Twenty first century Guides want proper benches to sit on. But many of the old favourite songs were sung and the laughter was as wonderful as ever.
This was just getting ready - about thirty of us sang our hearts out |
Sadly one thing thing has not changed. Midges still bite!