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Friday 12 January 2024


 I am not much of a one for pimping and preening.  When everyone else was moaning during lockdown because they couldn't get their hair cut, it never bothered me.  I finally got mine done last May, at least five years after the last salon visit.  I'm clean and decent but, apart from that, when it comes to my appearance, I have much to be humble about.  

I'm very happy to let students at a nearby college cut my hair.  They are a bit slow but they are well supervised and I have always been satisfied,  So, today I booked my appointment.

I was a little disconcerted when Phoebe confided to me that I was her first ever client at the college but she quicky reassured me that the tutor would be doing the cutting, and Phoebe would be watching.  In the event she practised meeting the client, listening to what was wanted, washing my hair and some of the blow dry.  

While she worked we chatted about Christmas, her work experience, her hopes and dreams and she asked me what I did.  I said I would tell her but only when she had finished.

So while she helped me on with my coat I told her that I am a semi retired vicar.  She looked amazed.  "I've never met a vicar before.  That is SO COOL!"

I am still a 72 year old, disabled, semi retired vicar with grey, thinning hair but two things have changed.  I am a 72 year old, disabled, semi retired vicar with grey, thinning hair but I am SO COOL!

And I shall have a smile on my face all day.

Phoebe will go far!


  1. What a great affirmation of you!

    1. I feel rather proud! (Sorry Marcia I replied earlier but the reply disappeared!)

  2. Awww, that was sweet but you ARE cool Miss Mary!

    1. If a teenager and a lady from Tesas both say I'm cool I'll acet the accolade!

  3. Wow I bet she told all her friends, so if you go there again you'll have gold star treatment! I'm a bit jealous I've never been described as cool!

    1. Ooh, you almost make me look forward to my next appointment!

  4. What a wonderful young lady. I bet she is just pumped to have met a "vicar" and realized you are just as much a "regular" person as she is. And you are definitely cool.

    God bless.

  5. I used to always have our local beauty school cut my hair as well as do my pedicure and manicures. They always did fine - a little slow but I found it to be interesting. 2 years my husband and I had dental cleaning at the dental school for dental hygienist about ready to graduate. It was great and when short on funds, it’s a good savings.

    1. It's great and, as you say, it's rea;;y interesting. Yesterday I listened to the tutor telling Phoebe the tips and wrink;ed for cutting hair in a bob.

  6. Your post made me smile as well.
