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Friday 19 January 2024

E is for Energy Gap


I googled "energy gap" looking for the old advert about snacks  to get you through (can't remember which snack!) but was surprised to find that energy gap a "thing" in physics!  I never was much of a scientist.

What I am is a woman who is in her personal energy gap today!  I feel as though I have been busy this week.  I've visited a couple of friends who are ill or have been in hospital.    I've led on-line worship.  I've been to a new sewing group.  I've sorted a new bank account.  I've done a day of doggy day care.  Come to that, this is my fourth blog post of the week!

And I've hit my personal energy gap.  No oomph.  No mojo.  My get-up-and-go has got-up-and-gone.

I feel OK with that.  There's nothing spoiling.  Everything can wait until tomorrow.  I need to give myself a little TLC.  Soup from the freezer.  A nap.  Maybe paint my nails.  Or maybe not.

How do you deal with energy gaps?


  1. By doing what you are doing.....sitting down, preferably with a coffee and a good book.

  2. I have always faded by Friday and loved the fresh new start of Monday (mainly because the kids went back to school after the weekend I think) but have learnt to go with the flow. Take the rest your body is telling you that you need. Su

  3. Yes- listen to my body, rest, and take things slowly - and usually that gives me energy for the next day. But we are NOT obliged to get-up-and-go all day every day. Jesus said "Come apart, and rest for a while" People who continually ignore the "rest for a while" will often find they "come apart"!

  4. I try and do exactly the same thing you are doing.... I am not a great listener though and many is the time I end up paying for not listening to my body.

    God bless

  5. It's reading for me or a craft I can sit in my chair and make, nothing too hard.

  6. Was it Milky Way? I shall be thinking about that now! A cold day today, a good day to stay in and relax.

  7. "Bridge that gap with Cadbury's Snack!" Suddenly came to me.

  8. You're doing the right thing for your energy gap. I'd do the same.

  9. Well, this winter has been hard on me even though we really haven’t had all that much really cold weather. But, my mobility is getting worse and I am finding myself sitting way too much so I am trying to make a point to get up and move around and I am not beating myself up for resting either. I don’t walk outside but I am trying to walk more inside and climb those dreadful stairs of mine. I am trying to be kinder to myself.
