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Saturday 13 January 2024

B is for Batmobile

No, not that Batmobile!

This Batmobile!

When this three-wheeled rollator entered my life I thought it looked as though there was a bat hanging from the frame so, inevitably, the contraption became Mary's Batmobile.

So much language surrounding disability is boring and/or condescending.  "Mobility scooter" sounds very dull, even though many children would love to whizz around on one.  There was once a rumour that the late Professor Stephen Hawking would deliberately run over people’s toes, including the pedal extremities of the (then) Prince of Wales. When asked about it he said it was a "malicious rumour" and he'd "run over anyone who repeats it".  I don’t toe squash deliberately, but I call my scooter my trundle truck which seems to suit it. TT's can be fun!

My Batmobile is purely for indoor use when I am feeling more than usually decrepit, so few people have ever seen me use it.  The black thing is a bag which usually contains my flask.  Which contains coffee.  Honest!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My mum, being disabled, had a stair lift. My daughters, whenever we visited, used to ride up and down, and always called it The Batlift

  3. Love the idea of a Batmobile, so COOL 😏

    1. As we know, I AM so cool! Phoebe says so!

    2. Coffee in the black bag . . . of course we believe you!!!

    3. Why wouldn't you believe me!!!!!!!!

  4. Hmmm, that does look a bit like a bat resting.

    God bless.
