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Wednesday 17 January 2024

D is for Ducks



Not the sort that floats.

Bombay duck

Nor the sort that swims.  

Savoury ducks

But these.  

Savoury ducks are real country food.  They are called faggots in many parts of the country.  I used to buy frozen faggots until I read their ingredients list! From now on, it's homemade only.

Lincolnshire has a strong tradition of pork-based dishes.  When I was a little girl one of my favourite meals after the pig had been butchered, was pig's fry.  There would also be haslet, stuffed chine, "scraps" as well as more recognisable pork recipes.  Our sausages are wonderful but the items labelled "Lincolnshire sausage" or (even worse, "Vegetarian Lincolnshire sausage"!) bear little resemblance to the offerings made by my grandmother or, indeed, by local butchers today.

Good, old fashioned food.  Local specialities.  Can't beat them.  

Ducks are made of pork, pork liver. bacon, onions and breadcrumbs with lots of herby seasoning and baked.  I then make a rich onion gravy and cook them a second time in the gravy before serving them with carrots, potatoes, cabbage - the vegetables which grandad grew.

A feast fit for a King!


  1. I remember having Haslet as a child, it was a sort of meat loaf made from pork with lots of very tasty herbs.

    1. That's right. Pork, breadcrumbs and herbs, usually sage.

  2. Good wholesome food. Our Lincolnshire pork dishes are second to none. You have made my mouth water!

  3. Mine too. I think there may be some ducks in the freezer!

  4. Those sound so good. I am coming for dinner.... I will be very late though.

    God bless.

  5. I learned something. Looks like what I would call meatballs.

    1. Yes, but meatballs here would usually be beef and would not contain liver. Ducks are quite specific!

  6. I have never heard faggots called savoury ducks. They are popular here in Somerset, Father in law buys them by the tray from a local butchers. My Nan used to make homemade ones with all the ingredients you mentioned. Yum yum.

    1. It;s the northern name. It's used in Lincolnshire and parts of Yorkshire and Lancashire, I understand.

  7. I always adored our family village butchers faggots, and every time we went back home I would get some, he's retired now and for me it's something I don't eat anymore.

    1. Shae you don't live nearer - but Javck would defend "his" ducks big time.

  8. I loved faggots and still do but no longer a cheap meal.

  9. As an 11/12 year-old I remember catching the bus into the next village where the butcher made faggots in a tray. I couldn't resist the smell of them and always ate at least one before I reached home. Goodness knows what the other passengers thought! As long as my Mum had 6 faggots for our dinner, she was happy for me to have 'my' faggot as payment for going. Since moving from Leicesterhire to Cornwall in 1986 I've never been able to buy a decent faggot, nor indeed pig's liver or haslet. Well, there's this -*GHS+-+Grocery+-+New*MPX_PMAX_All_OT_All+Products_Online+Budget_1009392**312578357*&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnrOtBhDIARIsAFsSe50EjIhVdXeyEcp3QLVXqPkug0lP5Afl1HoTsUXGbmGKEE-ba4ppbLUaAmc_EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
