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Thursday 11 January 2024



 I start and end each day with puzzles.  

Puzzles are, for me, another of life's little pleasures.  When I get up I do my "life admin" and then hit the on-line puzzles.  I like codeworks and (the easier) cryptic crosswords in the morning.  I envy people who can tackle the Times or Telegraph offerings.  I love the online versions with checking facilities.  They also mean I can cross out my answers and the page still looks pristine – such an encouragement to my inadequate brain!

At the end of the day it’s a pen and paper job.  I have difficulties with sleeping so no way will I use a screen close to bedtime.  And at bedtime it’s sudoku. I buy a book or, more likely, print puzzles from free online sites.  (I possibly get cheaper ink cartridges than most people.)  Nothing too hard – I don’t want an unsolved puzzle to keep me awake!

No, I want to drift off with my puzzle solved and Alexa reading me a delightul story.  

Do you like to solve puzzles or do you think them time wasters?


  1. I do like puzzles but fail miserably at some, I never thought of having an Alexa to read stories, sounds nice.

    1. It's great! She will also ask trivia questions if you like.

  2. I've always got a sudoku book on the go - I don't like the too easy puzzles at the beginning of a book and get cross if they get too hard at the end! I also like working my way through giant puzzle books with codewords and word-search although I miss out the crosswords as they make me cross too. All in all Not very relaxing!

    1. Don't like codewords in books as much as I like online.

  3. I have 4 different daily puzzles I do words and numbers, it gets me going in the morning with my 1st coffee.

    1. Feeding the mind as you water (or coffee) the body, I suppose!

  4. I particularly like logic puzzles or word puzzles where you are given a grid or a circle of nine letters and have to make as many words as possible using the central letter in each. Pencil and paper only, I find my brain works better that way. Elaine (Lincs)

    1. Haven't done many of those - they're a sort of anagram I suppose. Reminds me a bit of the teacher writing "Constantinople" on the board for us to make as many words as possible

  5. I love any word puzzles, especially the Telegraph panagrams. And I have a go at Wordle each day!

  6. Harvey is the crossword puzzle person in this house. I do word searches once in awhile, but I would much rather read for a bit before falling asleep.

    God bless.

  7. I do jigsaws and sudoku online

    1. It's a while since I did online jigsaws but I used to enjoy them.

  8. Every morning - crossword, wordle, Quordle, killer sudoku.
