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Tuesday 2 January 2024

Robert Burns . .

 There are always quite a few quotes from Rabbie Burns around at this time of the year so here's my contribution.  "The best laid plans of mice and men, gang aft a-gley".

Somewhere on somebody's blog I saw that someone was doing a virtual walk.  I'd never heard of virtual walks before so if you are similarly ill-informed I'll tell you that (for a fee) I could connect my Fitbit with another app which would show me street views as though I were walking the same distance on a challenge route.   I'd get virtual postcards as I progress and at the end I would get a medal.  As the walk I signed up for (the north coast of Scotland) is 500 miles long, I feel I will have earned a medal.  I planned on taking a year so 1-2 miles walking Caistor's street daily would make up that 500 miles in twelve months.  Simples,

Wrong.  I bought my challenge on 23rd December and 25th Decenber my legs went on strike.  I took my Christmas morning service OK but struggled back to my car.  And I've had quite a bit of pain ever since.

But today I was determined.  The pain has reduced so I walked to the end of the road and back.  I am no mouse for Burns to write about.  I am determined to be a Conqueror!


  1. Take it steady and build yourself back up to the distance you want to walk.

    1. No choice but to take it VERY steady! Walked a little further this morning, though.

  2. Keep at it as much as you can bear. Take care.

  3. A friend of mine does those virtual walks as well. She really enjoys them. Don't do too much and just add a bit a day if you can.

    God bless.
