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Tuesday 13 August 2024

U is for Unknown


Life is full of little mysteries.  I suppose the classic is, "Why does the toaast always fall butter side down?"   And if there is a scientific explanation of that "fact" please don't tell me as I doubt whether my brain could cope.  

Why does Blogger do such peculiar things to my posts?

Why do unexpected visitors arrive when I'm having a duvet day?

Why do so many socks/gloves lose their mates?

Why does the washing line choose to break when there white sheets on it?

Why is it that the smallest sized chocolate bar is called "fun sized"?

Why do I press harder on a remote-control when I know the battery is dead?

Why doesn't the wool on sheep shrink?

When I do a series of alphabet posts why are all the brain cudgelling ones together at the end of the alphabet?  (Actually they are always at the end of the alpabet.  Silly me.)


  1. I've just realised that if U read this "U" post aloud, U will find that every line begins with Y. So what will U do for the penultimate post?

  2. Why do the batteries on smoke alarms always run out in the middle of the night?

  3. All very interesting questions.... All the answers are unknown to me.

    God bless.
