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12 January 2022

Another craft

Back in October, when I turned 21-with-49-years-experience, I decided to knit a temperature scarf covering the first couple of years of my eighth decade.  I wrote about it here.   I chose my colours, found a circular needle and started knitting.

I don't knit every day but I try not to get too far behind.  Each different colour represents one degree Celsius in the temperature measured near Caistor at noon each day.  The first colours were very exciting.
And this is my progress from 23rd October to 7th January.  I rather like it.


  1. I love a good colorful hat. I'm loving people sharing their knitted socks. Either would be a gift I'd treasure.

    1. I like colourful hats, too, but this is a scarf with a long way to go!

  2. The scarf is going to be so very colourful. I love it. My temperature blankets covered a 5 degree change in temperature. I am now tempted to do one that tracks weather conditions (rain, snow, wind, fog, sunshine).

    God bless.

  3. That is such a lovely idea .. I may have to learn how to knit to make one of my own! I think it could have some interesting colouring .. we had a high temperature of 45.7 C this summer (didn't love that!) and a low of -30.2 in December (didn't love that either!) :)

  4. I love my weather scarf. I joined the ends to make it a loop, and have worn it a lot recently. It attracts many positive comments
