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10 November 2021

Starting my eighth decade

A "tactful" birthday greeting

One or two "friends" have been tactless enough to point out that I am in my eighth decade which sound even worse than saying I am seventy!  
First nineteen colours

I decided that such an auspicious year (for me) deserves a special project.  I have admired the weather scarves or temperature scarves made by various bloggers  (Ang at Tracing Rainbows did a really good one) but I decided mine would start on my birthday.  I have a different colour for each degree Celsius and I'm using Jamieson and Smith 2ply jumper weight (which actually knits as 4ply) as there are 92 colours in the range.  (No, I won't need 92 colours but I do like to have a choice!)  I'm knitting it as a tube on a 3.5 circular needle as I found that to be successful for another scarf I knitted earlier this year.  This means that all the tatty ends will be held inside the scarf.

First sixteen rows



  1. That's brilliant! I hope you enjoy knitting your scarf as much as I did. I'm certainly grateful for it now the chill Autumn winds are blowing. I hope you're keeping a notebook, because believe me, there will be weeks when just writing down the temperature each day will be a struggle. I got a full fortnight behind at one point! Your colours are lovely. I look forward to seeing your progress (perhaps you could post every 3 months?)

    1. Notebook? I've got a spreadsheet! I'll never lose my laptop but notebooks grow legs!

      Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Happy New Decade! Good luck with your knitting.

    1. So far I'm enjoying it! I look forward to looking at the weather website each day.

  3. That sounds very well organised!

    1. Ha! Good to know I can fool some of the people some of the time!

  4. That card's sentiment made me smile, as I am in my 70s. What a clever idea for a scarf.

    1. Let's see how it turns out before we decide if it's clever!

  5. I never even thought about my eight decade when I had my 70 birthday in March this year. I still don't feel 70.

    1. I think your friends must be more polite than mine!

  6. Never heard of a weather scarf. I look forward to seeing the final version.
    I crochet and have been working on a baby blanket for new granddaughter due in February.

    1. It's fun watching the colours blend and it will become interesting as the seasons roll.

  7. It will be so pretty, with all those colours.

    I have made temperature blankets but never a scarf and I only changed colours every 5 degrees. I made one for the year we were married and the year our oldest was born, one for the year the youngest was born, and one for each of the years 2019, 2020. You could really see the difference in temperatures.

    God bless.

    1. I really enjoyed choosing my colours. It was extravagent to use one colour per degree but I think it may be worth it.
