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01 January 2022

Anne Frank

"What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet.” — Anne Frank

I found that quote from Anne Frank when I was looking for New Year inspiration and it brought me up very short.  Anne died in Bergen-Belsen when she was only fifteen and so she was deprived of many wonderful days.  And I feel that I owe it to Anne to appreciate the wonderful days I have.

What wonderful days will happen in 2022?  I've got plans!  I've been offered hospitality in a village in the Malvern Hills for a few days.  I've signed on for several on-line crafting courses.  Don't tell Jack but I've plans for the garden.  And my landlord has a lot of exciting plans for alterations to the house.   

So hurrah for 2022!  And I hope that throughout everything I can remember another quote from Anne Frank.


  1. Last year I read the autobiography of Patricia St John aloud to Mother and in that book the Malvern Hills are mentioned as the idyllic place she and her siblings roamed and explore as children. Enjoy your break away.

    1. Happy New Year to you! Yes, I'm looking forward to it, probably around May time.

  2. I will need to look up where you will be staying. Have a beautiful New Year.

    1. The Malvern hulls are an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the West Midlands of England. May your 2022 be filled with beauty too.

  3. Love Anne Frank…..such a loss….and to think she would be the same age as people such as Barbara Walters. It seems so long ago but yet it wasn’t. Speaking of Malvern Hill — my ancestors came from the area and when they came here they named their property Malvern HIll.

  4. Both quotes are marvelous. Happy New Year!

    1. She was quite a gal, wasn't she. And Happy 2022 to you, too.

  5. Wishing you a wonderful New Year, enjoy your break, and take Anne Frank's quotes to heart. Really, as she says most people really are good at heart....sometimes you just have to dig a bit deeper.

    God bless.

    1. And there can be such joy in the digging. May you too have a blessed 2022.

  6. I love your choice of quotes and may Ann and all who perished never be forgotten. Happy new year. You have been more fortunate than a lot of people I know. I hope that continues and that you can stay well. It is a pleasure to meet someone who enjoys their own company and does not go out anymore than needed. I am disabled and do the same because of COVID which is spreading like wildfire where I live.

    1. It's rife here too, sadly. I took a church service this morning but will now hunker down.

  7. I think C.S. Lewis loved the Malvern Hills and hiked them with his brother and friends. Enjoy your time there; it is good to look ahead to getaways and home and garden improvements. I won't tell Jack.
