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04 January 2022

The Winter Blues

 I don't like feeling sad!  My disposition is to look for the happier things in life.  The comments on my last post reminded me of gratitude journals - I've neglected mine for several months but I dug it out yesterday and it is now back in use.  

Like many people I sometimes struggle in the winter and during this time of minimal social contact I really dreaded January and February.  But I remembered my old Guide motto, "Be Prepared" and did what I always do and googled for advice and information and several sites suggested light therapy lamps or SAD lamps.  I've not got a diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder: I just know I get the January blues.  I felt a little sceptical but I was prepared to give it a try so I ordered one.  Last January was the best I've had in years!  

Each morning I have the lamp on as I check emails, read blogs and drink coffee even before I get dressed.  I had to devise a way of reminding myself to do it but apart from that it really takes no effort.

I've also made a list of treats (zoom with friends for coffee, try a new recipe, manicure my nails etc), one for each day of January.  I've written them down so that if the blues hit I don't have to think too hard.

Does anyone have any other ideas for warding off the winter blues?


  1. I've just written a piece for our village magazine about the need for light in these winter months - to help us both physically and emotionally. I referenced the poem by Minnie Louise Haskins, quoted by King George in his Christmas broadcast of 1939.“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the Year, give me a light.... " I'm sure you know it, and the advice given there. I'm struggling a it too (and recognise that recent bereavement is a big part of that) The pandemic doesn't help, as many of the social things aren't happening, and it's not always easy or" comfortable " meeting up with people. I indulge myself with craft activities whilst listening to Classic FM or old programmes on radio 4extra. Turning into a proper OAP. I'm pleased to note Father Brown is back on TV for a new series. But I think you are doing the right things with light and a gratitude journal. Do you need to change anything in your diet? Hope you seel brighter soon ☺️❤️🙏👍

    1. My first reply to your comment got lost! Like you I put my hand into the hand of God. I've got "try a new recipe" on my list of things to do as well.

  2. I have a desk calendar with squares big enough to write a few words. I glance at it often when I am sitting at the computer. I need to add a few words to every day, either before I have planned something, or after I have done it. A blank square means I have squandered my time by doing nothing. This is not allowed.

    1. You do such lovely craft worl, quite apart from your walking, that I don't suppose you get many blank squares!

  3. Would a card or letter brighten your day? Send me an email (alison dot wale at hotmail dot co dot uk) and I'd be happy to send you something now and then to cheer you up. That goes for your other readers too.

  4. Maybe that was my trouble yesterday when I felt rudderless. By evening I remembered my long term to do list and realized I could tackle some of those things now to get me through this featureless - event-barren time.

    1. There are times when a to-do list just doesn't work for me so well done you!

  5. We call Harvey's light his happy light. Kurt bought it for him for Christmas a few years ago and he loves it. When Shania was alive she would sit right beside him and bask in the light.

    God bless.

  6. I call the outdoor Christmas lights on our home Winter Lights. We keep them on through the end of February to protest the bleakness of winter. It may not be the most frugal (although they are LED lights) but our neighbours have started to do the same to brighten up at least a small part of our world.

    1. That sounds like a very good idea. Much cheaper than treating SAD!

  7. Brilliant idea of a little treat for each day of January. I find a bouquet of flowers on my kitchen table brings me cheer, and I usually have flowers. Fun little books, Furry Logic is one. Sending or receiving a card or note. I am a bit down too, as I am mostly staying home to keep Covid away.

    1. I received flowers (late Christmas present) on Saturday and it has bucked me up no end!
