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09 January 2022

The very best veggies of all!

 Really this post is for Jack but I don't suppose he'll mind if  you read it too!  He moans that I don't blog very often.

Anyway, I keep the very best vegetables for Sunday lunch.  And the very best vegetables come out of my own garden.  We don't grow enough for me to be self-sufficient in veg but I like a special meal on a Sunday.  I don't often do a roast as that would be a bit much for one person, but whatever I have, I like my home grown veggies.

So this is what I have fetched in today.  A big fat leek which really didn't want to come, a few carrots and some sprouting broccoli.  I shall have other veggies from the freezer as well with my sausage and bacon casserole.  

Is that all right, Jack? 


  1. How lovely to be picking your own vegetables in January! Very impressive leek. We sometimes just have a small breast of chicken joint as a roast, and even that does two or three days.

    1. The leek was delicious! I cooked it with cheese.

      I've grown broccoli the last couple of years and it's one of the most successful crops, not in terms of yield but rather in the joy of fresh green vegetables at this time of the year.

  2. Surprising to see you pulling vegetables from the garden. All gardens around here except under hoop houses are covered with snow.

    1. We've had only very light snow. It was not easy pulling the leek, though!

  3. I thought the UK was truly done with the growing season and winter. Amazing to have your own vegetables.

    1. There's not a lot grown commercially but many gardeners will have something, although probably not a self sufficiency in fresh produce. In addition to what I've listed I've still got beetroot.

  4. No vegetables in my garden, but I've had a single deep pink flower on my Camellia since it bloomed on Christmas Day. Just the one bloom - and it's low down on the bush. It gives me great pleasure on these grey and rainy days.

    1. I loved the camellias when I came to Cornwall in February/March.

  5. How lovely, fresh from the garden veggies in the winter. You are so very lucky.

    God bless.

  6. There's nothing like home grown veggies, we have an area of grass covered ready to dig for a smsll veg patch this spring. I want homr grown tomatoes again!

    1. I love the tomatoes too. We grew about eight varieties last year and I have been eating soup ever since!

  7. Love the homegrown veggies! It is rather cool that you can collect them in the winter still!

    1. There aren't many now but they make a tasty addition to my diet.
