It was 11th March when I decided that I was too uncomfortable to go out. Corona virus was hitting the headlines but there was no lockdown. Many countries were banning international flights but on the 12th the UK government advice was just don't go on a cruise! Other European countries were closing schools or going into lockdown but the UK was propounding "herd immunity" conveniently forgetting that immunity comes only after most of the "herd" has had the disease.
Lockdown didn't start officially in the UK until 23rd March but I count my "withdrawal" from 11th March, hence 200 days. I emerged a little during August/early September but I've largely withdrawn again now. During my withdrawal I've scanned a lot of photographs, made numerous phone calls, completed craft projects, experimented with recipes, written letters and a thousand and one more things. I've tried to think of this as a time when my cry of "Stop the world, I want to get off" has been answered, like it or not, so I have tried to make the best of it. It's been a time of putting my life in order so that one day (DV) my life will be better than ever.
I've been grateful for the help of others (shopping etc.) but I have tried to be of service by telephoning people who are alone and by doing knitting for various charities. I've been involved in leading a small on line worship group and I have written "Reflections" for our deanery newsletter so I have tried to keep by brain working.
I've taken care to dress properly and to eat properly. I've written this blog and a daily diary to keep myself in order. 200 days and nearly fifty thousand words in I think I'm as sane as I was before this withdrawal started (my standards of sanity are quite low!).
Which all leaves me wondering, what things have helped you?