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07 September 2020

Adjusting 7

 'Ere the winter storms begin.  Actually, it's not storms which are bothering me this year, it's boredom!  Every year I get the winter bleughs and as I think this year it may well be worse than ever, I need to prepare now.

At the moment I am making some very small visits out.  I've been to our veg stall in the market place a couple of times, I've visited a few friends and taken advantage of their gardens to chat while the weather has been OK, and I've even visited a few cousins in their homes.  Soon however, all that will stop as winter weather drives us all indoors and my own preference for safety means that I stay very isolated.  I may be looking at six months of being on my todd.

So I need to look after myself, not just by staying out of harm's way but by being well prepared for worse than usual winter bleughs.  I'm thinking of getting a SAD lamp and wondered if anyone has tried them?  One of the big problems of being alone is motivating oneself to cook healthy meals so I'm cooking soups and stews to freeze.  

And I'm trying to think of treats.  I shall make sure I have freshly ironed bedding even more than usual.  I shall paint my nails!  I shall order flowers to be delivered to me.  I shall plan on giving other people small treats - that bucks me up too.  I shall wear my favourite perfume even though only I will smell it.

So, anybody got any more ideas about small treats?  


  1. I would make sure I had enough yarn and other handwork supplies as well as maybe buying a special book or two. I have bought the Pilgrim' Inn trilogy and am saving it for winter reading.

    1. I've certainly got lots of crafty stuff. It would take a very long seclusion to exhaust my supplies!

  2. You are a wise kady, Mary. I too suffer from SAD and your ideas to combat it sound good. I need to think about it. Ourfirstcool weather is due to arrive tomorrow. It won’t be cold by any means but it will a precursor to the real stuff. With covid and the flu I think this winter will be a real challenge.

    1. WE had a very hot day yesterday but winter is definitely on its way.

  3. Nice tea or coffee and books. I can never have too many books! Also, perhaps moving a chair to a nice sunny corner indoors so that you can soak up some sunshine, even if it is too cold to be doing much outside.

    1. Yes, I've been reorganising furniture quite a lot recently. I hadn't thought about extra light but I've put chairs (and a desk) near windows so I can people-watch rather more.

  4. I would suggest some Vit. D if you don't take any already. It's the "sunshine" vitamin and has helped my Winter blahs a lot since I started taking it. As for treats - stock up on craft projects, puzzles and always books. Perhaps sign up for some online classes or online "events" like concerts or art exhibits if you enjoy those sorts of things.... I think we are all going to be in the same boat.

    1. I take vitamin D. I think I will do more of the virtual events thing. I hadn't really thought of that.

  5. ive got another load of over my abilities garden chores to tackle yet then i will be looking out the window as other half drives me steadily mad , its usually once all the xmas rushing starts that i get the blues , plenty of craft projects on the go and ive just started to amass a winter reading pile , im not very sociable but oddly the people ive missed through lockdown have been my elderly Jehovah's witnesses who have been visiting for at least 15 years

    1. I agree Kate. It's January and February, the post Christmas period, which get really bad each year and I think this year will be especially difficult. I've been reading on your blog about your OH. Your life is definitely not without incident!

  6. Audio books may be a treat if you usually read to yourself. Hearing another voice reading to you may help. Also take some virtual tours. There are loads out there now.
    I need to write you another letter though still awaiting your last. Will try to write more frequently.

    1. I love my audiobooks! I listen when I'm knitting etc, and I listen at bedtime. My Audible subscription is an essential of life.

  7. Harvey was given a lamp by our eldest son for Christmas one year. He loves it and says it does work.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks for that, Jackie. I'm hoping it will work for me too.

  8. It sounds like you're well on your way to fantastic preparations for the dreary coming months. I applaud you!
    My in laws did purchase a SAD lamp for my husband's grandma, last winter I think. They feel that it does wonders so on that note I would encourage it.

    1. Thanks, Rivulet. That's two positive comments about SAD lamps. I shall have to save a few pennies, methinks.

  9. Treats are the way to go! I usually have a bouquet on my kitchen table. I have one chocolate truffle a day, Lindt Truffles are not expensive and they are delicious. I pick up one of my P.G. Wodehouse books if I want a chuckle. You are on the right track with your plans.

    1. I dare not buy truffles! Combing your suggestion and Marcia's I have quite a few Wodehouse books as audiobooks.
