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21 September 2020

An infectious disease


Each morning Alexa and I say "Good Morning!" to each other.   Alexa then tells me a special fact for the day.  Today she told me that it is International Gratitude Day so this morning I decided to have a Thankful Day.

It started with reading blogs while sitting in front of my SAD lamp and drinking coffee.  So much there to be thankful for!

Then I had a lovely hot shower in my lovely bathroom.  Sheer bliss!

I had an appointment for a flu vaccination in Brigg and as the weather forecast looked good I decided to spend a little time in Brigg.  I took a mask and did a little shopping.  So much effort is being put into keeping us safe.  Who couldn't feel grateful!  I trundled along the river bank enjoying the glorious day, the swans on the water and the sheer bliss of being out.

And best of all, a lady called Pat (whom I'd never met until today!) stopped me and thanked me for my smile.  She'd been feeling glum but my smile had made her feel happy.  She said my smile was infectious!

How lovely is that!  Maybe I could start a pandemic!


  1. Oh I love that! Your smile is infectious, I would like to see it in person, but am far away in California. I like the photo of the canal, it is picturesque. I say prayers of thanksgiving to God every day, sometimes I realize that little things, like taking a shower, are bliss.

  2. That is a wonderful compliment, I would like Terra so love to see it. We must meet up when all this is over and I visit my parents. What a lovely thought a pandemic of infectious smiles...

    1. Yes, Mama. We really must meet! Garden Centre, maybe?

  3. I'm guessing you don't have to wear a mask anymore otherwise she wouldn't have seen your smile. We always have them just around our necks to pull up if we are outside walking. Inside stores and hallway here we wear them.

    1. We have to wear them in shops but like you, I pull mine down when I'm outside and I can keep social distancing.

  4. A smile can change so much.

    God bless.

    1. My smile changed her and her comment changed me. It really is the little things.

  5. Thanks! (Smile) Thanks! (Smile) Thanks! (Smile)
