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26 September 2020

A little treat and a little sadness

A girl needs a treat occasionally.  Well, this girl does.

Yesterday I realised that I could order a bar of chocolate from Amazon and as I have Prime membership I wouldn't need to pay postage so I splashed out the princely sum of £1 and waited.

It didn't arrive until late afternoon so by the time it arrived I was really looking forward to it.  A whole bar of chocolate, just for me!  

And I'd been given a magazine so I decided to keep it until the chocolate arrived so I could have a period of total self indulgence.  I settled down with both my treats.

I thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate but the magazine just made me feel sad.  Covid won't make a huge difference to my Christmas Day as I normally go to church then come home and spend the day alone.  This year I'll watch a streamed service then settle down as usual.  For me the real meaning of Christmas will still be there as will its joy.

But for so many of my friends Christmas should be a time to spend with their grandchildren and the likelihood is that won't happen this year.  Some will find the loneliness unbearable.

I enjoyed the chocolate but the magazine? - no.  It left me wondering if there is anything I can do to help my friends.  Any suggestions very welcome.  


  1. How lovely of you that your first thoughts were for others. Thank you on behalf of those of us with big families who have accepted that we can't mix newborns with the very elderly and the profoundly disabled . Deborah x

  2. So nice to think of others. We here in Manitoba are back to orange so no groups bigger than ten. Two metres apart and mass when indoor any building.
    Our Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of weeks. That means there will only be small or no gatherings. I have thought of Christmas and as I live in an apartment, I am gathering together stuff for each apartment. I will put them out the week before Christmas leaving one at each door. As there are so many different things celebrated during the month, I think I will put up signs when those days are. Jean

  3. Are your friends near enough to make up tiny parcels for them at Christmas? Not expensive, just a note, a pretty pen, a packet of seeds.....

  4. I think Elizabeth's idea is lovely. I'd add a couple of postage stamps, and an interesting teabag or two

  5. ... And a little bar of chocolate

  6. You are kind to think of others. I worry about my Mother-in-law who really want us all day at Christmas. We will likely stop by, or have her another night near Christmas, spread out, but not with the large extended family. Same on my side. I will really miss not having my son home. He had one Christmas in Milwaukee, one in Florida, alone, and one in California with his sister, but not home before, so I'm sure he will be fine with friends and his roommate who likely will not travel either.

  7. Love Elizabeth's idea.

    God bless.

  8. Nothing like a bar of chocolate!
