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08 December 2018

Weird knitting

Thank you for all the comments on my last post.  I haven't replied to any of them as anything I could say would risk being very trite and it seemed more respectful just to let them stand.  Thank you again.

Things have been happening in the stable since your last visit which was three days ago.  The herdsman has acquired another sheep and a cow.  That seems quite reasonable for a stable.  What is a little strange is the angel perched on the roof blowing a trumpet.  All that noise cannot be making the herdsman's job any easier.  

A couple of weeks ago Jane called and rather liked the  scarf I had knitted for someone else.  As I couldn't think what to buy for Jane that solved one problem but created another.  Anyway, I got some more yarn.  It's weird to knit.  It's a flat, thick yarn when it comes off the ball but has to be teased out for knitting.  It creates a frilly effect when knitted up.  Interesting but I'm finding it a little tedious as I can't get any sort of rhythm going.  


  1. I must admit that I have never tried knitting with that type of yarn. I do love how it looks when teased out.

    1. It's for a very good friend so I have more patience than I would have otherwise!

  2. I'd like to get back to crocheting but my thumb surgery in July has me unable to do it for long. Good luck with your scarf.

    1. ooh, sorry about that. I love to have something "on the go".

  3. Fascinating yarn, the colours and texture are rather nice. The little stable set is beginning to fill up nicely.

    1. The scarf continues to grow. The stable still has a long way to go.
