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18 December 2018

Meanwhile, back at the stable

Mean while, back at the stable in the corner of my sitting room, there has been quite a bit of action  We've now got two angels on the roof, two shepherds, and two cows - not to mention the shooting star which has settled on the roof and the roaring fire to keep everyone comfortable.  

At the same time there's an assembly of three fancy looking coves with three camels and a pack horse.  They're sorting themselves out near a palm tree where there's also an abandoned camel but it's tethered to the tree so it's not our problem.
There seems to be no reason for all this activity - maybe the next few days will help us make sense of it.    


  1. Things sure are getting busy at the stables. Not much longer before our very special gift arrives.

    God bless.

  2. That made me laugh about the camel tethered to the tree not being our problem.
