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21 December 2018

Too much work for two shepherds?

Too much work for two shepherds?  That's OK, a third one has arrived to care for the four sheep, one goat and two cows.  Now, I don't know about you but I would have thought that was rather a large workforce for so few animals.  I wonder if the angels on the roof are really time and motion analysts sent to work out what's happening. 

The fancy chaps have decided to go on a journey but their camels are not enthusiastic.  Neither is the pack horse.  Only one camel is on its feet so this journey could take a while.

Personally I'd have taken the camel from near the tree,  It looks a lot keener than any of their animals.


  1. No, the one under the tree is too busy, he's giving his nether regions a jolly good scratch against the tree.
    This nativity set is a little treasure, so charming. It is all getting quite crowded now, I imagine the excitement is building up as they anticipate some very special additions.

  2. Ooh, I'd never noticed his discomfort! Fancy having that problem for all eternity!

  3. Camels march to the beat of their own drum, i think 😂

  4. I'm enjoying the scene coming to life with each post.

    1. Me too. I've had it for years and yet every year it finds the child within me.

  5. I do like this!!! You are having great fun with it!
