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20 March 2020


I am stuck at home so I don't see the supermarket battles.  I have no children so I'm not worrying about childcare.  I'm used to being at home on my own so alone-ness is no problem.  The problems of industry, transport, health provision are things to be left to others.  I am indeed a privileged woman.

And yet even from my little bungalow in a small town in Lincolnshire I can see so much loveliness and so much kindness.

I hear from others about takeaways and pubs sending meals to those who are having difficulty.  

I hear of hotels offering beds for NHS workers.  And I hear the heroic efforts being made by those workers.

I hear of luxury perfume makers and gin distilleries turning their production lines to making hand sanitiser.  And of engineering firms helping to make ventilators

I hear of supermarkets trying to help the elderly and vulnerable by reserving shopping times for them.

All my neighbours have contacted me to offer to shop for me or give any help I need.  

This must be the first time in history that we have been asked to stand together by staying apart but I think that many people are rising to the challenges of this pandemic very nobly.

And on a very personal note I've had an e mail to say I've won a small hamper in a competition,


  1. Well how nice to win a hamper. That will brighten up the day!
    We are definitely seeing the best , and sadly the worst, in people now. The world may never be the same again.

  2. So glad to hear that you are well looked after.
    I think we are doing quite well here - each day the Federal Govt. has spoken about a certain area of work that needs done and then the specific ministers go into more detail and answer questions. It's all very organized and polite. Today has been a lot about getting more supplies into place (although we seem to be good for the moment) and as you mentioned, many industries are switching over to manufacturing the equipment that will be needed some weeks down the line. We have a Gin Distiller here in town who is now also making hand sanitizer.
    Stay safe.

  3. Here in my province a number of small distilleries have switched over and started making rubbing alcohol and sanitizer. I have also heard that a few of the car manufacturing plants back east have offered to reopen and start making ventilators and other necessary equipment.

    God bless.

  4. Staying apart but helping each other manage through. That is good.

  5. Congratulations on the hamper. That will be something to lift the spirit. Stay safe and keep well.
