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23 March 2020

Adjusting 1

Flylady would be proud of me!  That mighty guru of all things domestic advocates dressing to the shoes every morning and even though I'm not leaving the house I am still lacing up those shoes daily.  Coronovirus may have a pretty name but it's an ugly bug and it's not going to reduce my standards!

Other things have changed.  You know about food supply and things like that so there's no point in writing about things like that.  I want to share some other things.

First I have re-organised my sitting room. The chair where I sit faces the window but although I can see out no-one can see me so I've set up an arm chair and a makeshift desk where I can both see and be seen.  Not many people are passing but I want to be able to wave to anyone who does.  The couple across the road have been sorting their garden.  I'm on a favourite route for joggers and although their numbers are greatly reduced a few still pass.  At this time of day this isn't the greatest place to sit as it faces due east but as the sun moves around I will be able to see my computer screen more easily.

The second is that I've started on some MOOCs.  "What's a MOOC?" I don't hear you say but I'm going to tell you anyway.  Its a Massive Open Online Course.  Universities from all over the world set them up.  I wrote about them here.

The first is a three-week course on Covid 19 run by The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine which is part of London University.  I want to be able to distinguish between information and misinformation and I feel that this may help.  I accessed it through

The second is rather longer but still only twenty hours and is run by Silliman College which is part of Yale University.  It is The Science of Well being and it's about being happy!  That seems very relevant to these times and also to long term health.  I accessed it via

(JUst a quick reminder, if you want to be part of the letter exchange you have until Friday to let me know.


  1. Wow! What a great idea. Thanks for the MOOC head's up. I think it will be a great thing for my recently retired, stir crazy hubby! Stay safe.

  2. I've done one MOOC already through FutureLearn and I'm having a look today at what Coursera has to offer. Need to keep the brain cells in gear!

  3. So glad you are well and it seems your spirits are as good as always. Stay well and safe and keep waving!

  4. I am glad that your spirits still seem high. My daily walks help keep me in good spirits. Must try some of those online courses myself. Baking will just cause me to gain weight.....

    God bless.

  5. You have a great attitude? I too am opening window and working where I can see outside. It does help a bit.
