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24 March 2020

Adjusting 2

The next few weeks are going to be very difficult.  In many ways I am very fortunate.  I am used to being on my own.  I have a very well stocked store cupboard.  I have no-one who depends on me and others have offered such help as they can give.

But in other ways this is a difficult time.  I am used to my alone-ness being punctuated by coffee with friends, going to church, popping to the shops and all the thousand and one little sociabilities of life.  Life has a rhythm , needed if I am going to relate to other people.  

That has changed.  One day looks much like another and it is my tummy, not my watch, which gives me the nudge to get things done.  As I said yesterday I am still dressing fully even though there is a temptation to slob all day.  However, I am determined that these next few weeks will be good and fruitful so I am trying to create little "rituals" to look forward to each.

I have to admit that often I am a total slob and eat my meals from a plate or tray in the sitting room but I have noticed that my inclination to use the table has increased.  I want to make meals much more of an event.  

I have set the table properly rather than just grabbing the cutlery as I sit down.  I've used a pretty napkin rather than just scooping up a tea towel and making do.  I've taken the time to bake mini bread loaves rather than just a big cob.  I've taken a few flowers from the bigger bunch in the sitting room.  I found a bottle of sherry and one of my Mother's cut-glass sherry glasses and I've had a small one before lunch.  And you may just see a chocolate orange, the gift of a friend who left it on the doorstep.  It's a little reminder that even though I am eating the meal in solitary splendour, I have friends who are thinking of me just as I am thinking about them.


  1. Good for you. Routines are important is what I read somewhere.

  2. Living alone and being alone are two different things. This whole mess is forcing us to be alone and for those of us of a certain age it isn’t so good. I miss my Beanie so much — my whole routine revolved around her and now that is gone and I keep thinking that I have all this time to do stuff and I am not doing anything. It is disturbing. But, it will pass and then things will get back to normal.

  3. I think that is a lovely idea. It's easy to get into habits both good and bad!

  4. These things are important for our wellbeing,
    My neighbour suggested (from a safe distance) planning one special event each week; something to look forward to. On my list are watching Emma on Saturday night with suitable treats ( we had tickets for a screening in Wimborne and Netflix is £1 cheaper), a cream tea in the garden, cooking and eating pizza in the garden when the evenings are warmer, a whole day with a jigsaw. I’ll let you know if I think of anything else.
