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01 November 2018

So what about November?

A whole new month!  I don't suppose November is a favourite month for many people - it certainly isn't for me - but it's going to be a busy one.  

I have managed to find a Home Enhancer!  Some people would call Annie my cleaner but I've always called the wonderful people who keep my home in a reasonable state my Home Enhancers.  I cannot begin to say how much more relaxed I feel.  It is going to mean a bit of financial juggling but it will be worth it.  I always was a lousy housekeeper and disability hasn't improved my skills.  Anyway, I now feel ready to tackle a few other things.

I've decided I need a Nimbler November!  My step count has been deteriorating for the last two months so I need to take myself in hand and get on foot.  

Christmas is approaching fast - 54 days to go - and if I want to enjoy it I need to get a few things sorted.  Some preparation of course can't go on the blog (because you never know which friends may read things you'd rather they didn't read) but I will say that I want to get my puddings made very soon and the cards written by the end of the month.  

The garden just needs a quick tidy up - most of the winter preparation has been done but I want to plant a trough of cyclamen for near the front door.

I will be listing some stuff on EBay to try and find a little space in my house.  That would be lovely.

And I've got meals with friends, a craft day, a few trips, a lot of crafting and a wonderful month planned.  Hope your is as joyful as I'm planning that mine will be.


  1. Listing on Ebay is good but can take time. If you arent worried about selling, then Freecycle is a quick way to get rid of things.

    1. I use both. I'm selling quite a few of my comping wins, especially toys. I've done it the last couple of years and it helps finance my own Christmas

  2. I love the idea of a nimble november, i hope you have lots of fun with it.
    November for us is organizing for December I have lots of crafts and elf mischief to plan

    1. I envy you having children for whom to plan elf mischief.

  3. Annie sounds like the perfect home enhancer, love that phrase. The crafting is never ending at this little cottage so I know how enjoyable that can be making little things for gifts. Have a great November.

  4. November is not usually my favorite month. I am going to do some revamping of my routine so I can get some stuff done and maybe keep it done for more than a nanosecond. I don't do much Christmas shopping these days -- everybody enjoys money to do their own thing. I have mixed feelings about that but it is what it is! I hope you have a wonderful November, it sounds like you are well on your way!

  5. The wonderful Annie comes again tomorrow - and things stay done when she's been.
