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06 November 2018

A very special chap

There are some things which I love doing every year.  Springtime I travel the east coast main line.  In December there's the jollifications of Christmas.  And in November I go to Donna Nook.

I suppose few people ever went to Donna Nook to enjoy the view but it's a place which seems to have a magical attraction for grey seals.  Every year thousands of them come ashore from the North Sea and every year even more of them go back to the North Sea for Donna Nook is a favourite birthing site.  Over 2,000 were  born last year.

And every year I visit.  Usually I go a little later in November but yesterday wasn't too cold so I wrapped and off I went.  I could see only about a hundred animals from the path.  More will come ashore soon and vast areas of the marsh are not visible from the fenced off viewing area.  

But it's quality not quantity - and this little chap, just a few days old, definitely has star quality.  


  1. I think the baby seals must be wonderful to see. The only time I’ve ever seen seals in their habitat was when staying with an aunt in Newport on Tay, Fife. She told us that before the road bridge was built they crossed the Tay by ferry and had far closer sightings of them. We have a Beluga Whale in the Thames Estuary. It is concerning, but as it’s feeding well I suppose that means the water has less pollution.

    1. They are wonderful! There's a double fence to stop humans touching the seals and to stop seals biting humans and the two species hold each other in mutual respect.

  2. A lovely day out evoking lots of lovely memories.

    1. I'm sure you must have seen them many times. I really liked the baby in my last photo. Definitely a poser!

  3. Replies
    1. Not particularly. They are very lazy when they come ashore. Only the very young pups need to eat (suckle from their mothers) so they just lay around. The bulls roar a bit if they are squaring up to each other and the pups shout for their mothers but as mum is rarely more than a few feet away one yell usually does it! There's also some calling when they mate.

  4. I think he needs a name. He is very camera aware!
