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26 March 2018

Simple pleasures on a sunny day

The last two days have been sunny and wonderful here in Caistor.  Yesterday I went up to church on my trundle truck and I think I worshipped almost as much on the journey as I did in church.

I passed this lovely bank on the way.  Then at church there was a lovely display of jonquils.  I felt especially lucky because they were more or less at eye level for me as I rode my scooter
And there will soon be glorious flowers around the old trap in the churchyard.Simple pleasures, available without charge to anyone who cares to look


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Trying again.. thank you for these beautiful photos, all spring like, cheers my heart.. and great to read Jack is ok.

  3. What a beautiful setting your church is in. Daffodils do gladden the heart.

  4. Such pretty Spring flowers - it just takes the warmth of the sun to bring forth the flowers, doesn't it? I had a similar experience today when driving to Cotehele woods to exercise Benji and all the banks bordering the lanes were full of daffodils and primroses. Must return asap WITH MY CAMERA! Aaaarrrggghhh! Can't believe I didn't have it in my pocket today, especially as rain is forecast for the next few days.
