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25 March 2018

News about Jack

Jack modelling a t shirt sent from across the pond
Long time readers of this blog will know that Jack is my gardener and handyman but most of all he is my friend.  He has written on this blog and he has been written about.  If you click on the label "Jack" on my sidebar you'll find posts about him and several posts by him.  

For quite a while he has been experiencing more and more pain in his knees and it was decided well over a year ago that he needed a replacement joint.  I've visited him at home a few times but he hasn't been here since January 2017.

Well, last Thursday he had his surgery at last.  I haven't seen him yet but we have exchanged texts and he should be home in the next couple of days.  He'll probably read this post so


Update Sunday evening.  Jack is now home but still in some pain so I won't be visiting for a while.  He'll probably be able to read the blog now.


  1. Oh, poor Jack! Hopefully he will have a quick recovery and be right as rain again! Give him my best!

  2. Absolutely the best thing EVER! I had my right knee replaced in December 2016 and thought my left knee would need replacing as well because of the pain I'd been suffering. But I soon realised that with the new right knee, I was walking properly, without putting extra strain on the left and the pain has gone from both knees now. I hope you will soon be up and about, Jack and feeling the full benefit of the operation.

  3. Thank you both for your good wishes. I'm hoping he sees them but I will print out this post and the comments to take to him as soon as he is receiving visitors.

  4. It will be painful for the next week or so but I don't think he'll regret it. My stepmom had her second knee done at just past 80 and she was walking without a cane within 6 weeks.
    Hope you feel better soon Jack!
