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18 March 2018

Simple pleasures on cold days

I wrote recently about my lovely book Simple Pleasures:little things that make life worth living and today has been a day for appreciating a few simple pleasures for cold days.

1. I've been enjoying the view from my window.  The starlings have been squabbling, passing children have been waving and I'm warm and happy indoors.  Bliss.

2. Comfort food has been on the menu today.  Casserole for lunch and there will be soup for supper.  Simple homely food to warm both body and soul.

3. The joy of making things.  I made my soup and casserole but I also knitted and I sewed.  Creativity is always a pleasure but not regretting being confined indoors is hugely helped by doing something wonderful with the time.  


  1. Wow you had loads of snow...just a sprinkling here but its VERY cold

  2. I'd better 'fess that the picture was in the last snowfall - but I think I had even MORE this time. However, it has thawed quite a bit and kind neighbours have cleared my drive so I will be able to go out tomorrow.

  3. It sounds like you embraced the day. I wonder how many pots of soup and broth were made today - I know I made one, too. Sounds like you have good neighbours.

    1. Soups are definitely the dish of the day! Since I wrote this post a couple of neighbours have cleared and salted by drive. I have wonderful neihbours.

  4. Wonderful that communities band together. Home made soup is such a 'cold weather' thing!

  5. Oh my goodness, that looks so cold! But you sound like you have weathered it well!

  6. Casseroles and soups were definitely on our menu too. Glad you were cosy in the snow. Take care.
