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24 March 2018

Simple pleasures on mundane days

It would be impossible for every day to be exciting and the mundane days come around with great frequency.  However, mundane does not mean unpleasant, for surely it is on mundane days that simple pleasures are really needed.

Most of yesterday was pretty mundane.  I took a simple funeral in the morning for a very old lady who had outlived all her friends and most of her family. Just her son and his partner and four staff members from her residential home came.  However, I take just as much care for those funerals (which present their own challenges) as I do for the "standing room only" type and once I've done a funeral I spend the rest of the day very quietly.

So I knitted - such  simple pleasure.  I'm not good at knitting.  Usually I knit scarves or hats and not much more but I wanted to have a go at circular knitting so I obtained circular needles, a pattern for a jumper,and some wool.  I tried making stitch markers out of odd bits of wool but found that proper stitch markers would be easier to use so I bought those too. This will not be a cheap garment!  Yesterday I was able to get quite a bit done.  

I wasn't feeling very interested in cooking so I looked for something very simple.  My eyes fell on a tin of mushy peas - not a sophisticated choice!  I used to go to a Bonfire Night party many years ago where mushy peas with mint sauce was among the delights on offer.  So I opened a tin, add mint sauce and thoroughly enjoyed my ridiculous meal.  Comfort food or what!!!

While I was knitting and while I was eating I was remembering.  I thought about the old lady and the good long life she had enjoyed.  I thought about the friends with whom I had shared those 5th November parties all those years ago.  I remembered and I day dreamed about so much, things which I would never have thought about on an exciting day but the memories were good and the day dreams even better.

So three simple pleasures for mundane days - knitting, comfort food and day dreaming.  


  1. I have good reason not to look forward to November 5’s anymore, but instead of mushy peas I used to make a basic soup of onions, carrots, potatoes - and far too many red lentils. I never had a blender in the early years and so I would just mash it down. Inevitably bonfire night was cold and the soup in the mugs solidified. Eaten with black skinned potatoes, from the embers of the fire, it always tasted absolutely delicious.

  2. Again really good comfort food. I'm not a lentil lady though.

  3. Simple pleasures on ordinary days are the stuff of life.

  4. A quiet day in Lent, how peaceful. Sarah.

  5. Sounds like a lovely calm day, and what could be better than comfort food.

  6. As SAM mentioned - simple pleasures on ordinary days are ones to be appreciated. They make the world go round.

    Have just discovered your blog and am enjoying reading about the daily ups and downs of your life
    Take care
