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21 September 2021


 I'm quite busy at the moment as I prepare to go into hospital for the knee replacement.  And I have so much to be thankful for!  

Today is World Gratitude Day.  And I am so grateful for all the love and care I am receiving right now.  My nephew is coming to spend a week with me which will be quite difficult for him and I am very grateful.

He will have to go into work one day while he is here but the friend I phoned to ask her to come that day not only said "yes" but also. "I'm so pleased that you asked,"

Annie-the-Home-Enhancer has agreed to come more often until I can do more things for myself.  Jack too, will be keeping an eye on me - and I'll bet no-one is surprised at that.

I'm grateful for the skill of the surgeon and the rest of the hospital team and I'm also grateful for our wonderful NHS.

Thank you!


  1. I am praying for a successful surgery and an easy recovery for you. It is good your A-team is gathering to support you when you are home in those early days. I will mail you a card today, don't know how long it will take to arrive, from California.

  2. Love and prayers as you go for the op. So glad you have the A-Team on hand!

  3. You have it well in hand. No worries about how you'll cope because of all the helping hands. Lots to be thankful for. Keeping you in prayers.

  4. praying that everything will go well for your op and the people looking after you. May you know God's blessing at this event.

  5. I am so glad you have some extra help, you will be in my prayers.

  6. I am praying that all goes well. I am very glad that you will have help as it takes a bit to recover and the first week is usually the worst. I just bet Jack will be keeping his eye on you and will be making sure you don't do too much in the later weeks.

    God bless.

  7. It's good to see you will have lots of help. I hope all goes well and you will soon be safely home and recovering.

  8. My prayers are with you for your operation and recovery. Wonderful that you have good support.

  9. I have totally missed this about surgery! Such a bad friend I am. Prayers for your successful surgery and quick recovery. It sounds like you have all your bases covered and will be well looked after. L
