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29 September 2021

How is it for me?

Thank you for all your good wishes.  I've now been home fr a couple of days.  There was a suggestion that I should come home the day after the op but I resisted very firmly as there would have been no-one here. 

My lovely nephew will be staying until Friday.  I have set up an "SOS family" on Alexa so that she can call for help if I need it.  It's quite a lot cheaper than the usual Lifeline system and I feel it is better as it doesn't rely on me remembering to wear the alarm.  I feel very blessed as there is no shortage of kind friends and family offering to be on my SOS family list.  

I also feel rather lucky that I don't have to wear those horrid surgical stockings!  My legs are in such a mess (from previous accidents and surgery) that I can't tolerate them so I have extra medication to prevent blood clots.  I've also got pain relief to take and that makes the exercises less uncomfortable as well as making sure I can sleep at night.  


  1. What a very neat feature of Alexa. I hope you don't have to use it. Sounds like you are progressing well.

  2. Wow, that is a great way to get ahold of people. I did not realize Alexa would do that... I wonder if Google Nest has the same capability. Must do some research. You take care and keep up with PT.

    God bless.

  3. Wonderful news that the surgery went well and now you are recovering at home. Your nephew sounds like a lovely person, coming to stay with you. My best to you,

  4. Wonderful to hear that you came through surgery so well and are being looked after. Praying that you will heal well (and quickly)
