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09 September 2021

At Last!

To be replaced with chocolate - please!

 "The letter" arrived yesterday!  I will be having surgery on my knee in less than three weeks.  I will be going as an NHS patient to a small private hospital in Grimsby and I expect to be there just one or two nights.  

I am inundated with offers of help.  I am so lucky!  I have offers to take me to hospital and to fetch me home.  Someone will sleep here to make sure I am OK.  Jack and Annie (my home enhancer) have both offered extra help.  Others will shop, cook and odd-job for me and I suspect I will be checked on so much that I will be lucky if I get any sleep.  

And I am so grateful!  Grateful not just for the offers of practical help but also for the love and care behind them.    I am truly blessed.  


  1. Be good to get it done, I had mine 3 years ago, it works almost perfectly.The only fault I find is discomfort when trying to kneel.
    The only advice I give you ,is start exercising it ,soon after the op. Exercise it as often as possible. I didnt need physio,3 weeks later because Idid this. I was back climbing ladders 6 weeks later (not bad ay 80) My husband worked in orthopaedics,long ago, he always says 'exercise is the key, Afraid he is right.
    Good luck .

  2. Are you having a complete knee replacement, Mary? Oh it's so glorious to end up free from the pain. I thoroughly enjoyed my hospital stay, too - wonderful food, everything spotless, great nursing, etc. It was as good as any hotel!
    My daughter-in-law syayed at my home and fussed around me (too much!) but she was essential to getting the elasticated stockings on and off. As Kathy says, do try to exercise as often as possible to ensure the full movement returns.
    Wishing you all the best xx

  3. All the very best for your knee surgery.

  4. Just catching up Mary, thrilled that you are finally get the surgery you need and hoping all goes well. Take care, you will be in my prayers.
