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25 July 2021

500 days

 It was on the 11th March last year that I started a new diary called, "Personal thoughts during a pandemic"  Back then I wrote, 

The corona virus seems like a real menace and I feel I want to protect myself and others.  I’ve decided to restrict my social contacts without totally withdrawing. . . I reckon the “crisis” will last until at least Easter so my plan is for that period.  I need to keep myself active and happy.  I want to use this as gift time: time to be used as a bonus in a weird sort of way. 

Would that it had all been over by Easter 2020!  I think if I'd realised how long the pandemic will last I would have been far less optimistic about keeping myself active and happy.  

But I'm glad that I did make that resolution back then.  These five hundred days have been (for the most part) active and happy.  I've decluttered and reorganised.   I've upped my technology and other skills.   I've got to know my neighbours better and to appreciate my friends in new ways.  I've taken time to smell the roses and to taste the coffee.

One thing I have done very little of is to conduct worship but tonight at the end of my five hundredth day of this new life, I was invited to lead Evening Prayer at a little church on the Lincolnshire Wolds.

And I've put some new hanging baskets in my garden.

(I'm not sure of my Brownie points status.  Jack has been "mentioning" that it's a long time since I've blogged.  However, I have put the hanging baskets in the garden without his permission.  It could go either way.)


  1. 500 days! Sounds a long time - longer than 16 months.

  2. You might need to have some tasty cake or apple pie ready for his next visit. I bet he moves them, though!

  3. It is starting to feel like we are heading backwards again. 500 days sound slike a siege-but I guess that is what it has felt like.

  4. 500 days sounds such a long time. I a sure like many other are wondering if Jack will move the baskets lol!!!!

  5. Wow, when you say how many days it seems like an awfully long time. I am also wondering if Jack will move the baskets....We should have a contest.

    Enjoy leading service.

    God bless.

  6. Your garden looks great and I for one approve of the hanging baskets :-)

  7. I don't think any of us would have guessed that it would have gone on for as long as it has. Here we are, most of us are now fully vaccinated and yet people are still dying and the numbers are still going up. It does make me wonder where it will end.

  8. Lovely photos, Mary, and I think you have done so well during this pandemic. It seems like it is coming back on us so I guess we are going to go back down the rabbit hole.
