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Thursday 27 June 2024

G is for Guests

It is such a joy to prepare a meal for friends!  When I was working I prepared many meals for friends and parishioners but these days almost every meal I cook is just for me.

Today my dear friend Bonnie came for lunch.  I found the first few sweet peas and arranged them in a pretty vase for the table.  I made some creamy mayonnaise and on the strength of that made coleslaw and a tangy potato salad.  That veggie box contained some lovely peppers which were splashed with olive oil and roasted.  Boiled eggs are always a treat for me so they came out too.  There was a mixed green salad, tomatoes, and soused cucumber.  And to top it all a salmon fillet each.  For pudding we had home made mango ice cream, freshly churned by me this morning.  

All food is best garnished with a large helping of love and laughter and we had both in plenty.

Ah, it is good to cook for guests!


  1. Replies
    1. It was. Especially the mano ice cream which I had never made before.

  2. What a pretty table! I am looking forward to entertaining three girlfriends for lunch this Saturday - menu is prepared and I can everything ahead of time and I intend to set a very nice table.

    1. Those first sweet peas were the best thing for the table setting.

  3. Delightful. Home made mayonnaise is wonderful, so different from shop bought

    1. Since I discovered how easy it is to make in the Magimix I haven't bought any.
