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23 November 2021

It's good to talk

 I went to Brigg today.  It was such a cold day but so bright.  I took the trundle truck (mobility scooter), of course and meandered along the riverbank.  And I found a new notice, pinned to a bench.  My trundle truck has a warmer seat than that looked but I hope it gets well used, even if not by me!

I went a little further along the river bank and saw an angler and remarked that he obviously took his fishing pleasures very seriously.  He was baiting his hook and he told me that this stretch of river has lots of pike and perch. 

Then I met a friendly dog which fancied a ride on the trundle truck so its owner and I had a chat.

Then a schoolgirl gave me a shy smile and wished me "Good morning!" on her way to school.

I hope lots of people use the chatty bench but to be honest, people talk in Brigg without any encouragement whatsoever.  Has anyone seen this initiative anywhere else?


  1. I think that sometimes people just need an encouraging smile to open up for a chat. A bench like that could definitely be an opening for a good visit. I haven't seen an initiative like that but I do like it!

  2. I haven't seen anything like that here, but then I have no trouble smiling or saying Good morning to complete strangers. That is one thing I have taught my introverted self to do.

    God bless.
