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02 June 2021

Adjusting 10 Knit and Natter

 I've been amazed at how well many older people have adapted to using technology in the last year.  Obviously that's been the people who already had the technology in their homes and have learnt to do more with it.   I know that some older people have felt excluded because they can't use in-home video technology, but so many people have pushed themselves to learn more.  They've learnt to zoom with their tech savvy grandchildren and great grandchildren, they've mastered on-line grocery shopping, and they've even ventured into on-line banking.

The group which amazes me the most is our knit and natter.  I'm definitely (at 69) one of the younger members of the group!  Once a fortnight we have an hour-long zoom chatting whilst indulging in that that very old-style hobby - knitting.  

The group I belong always has some sort of charity project on hand, like knitting hats for sailors or twiddle muffs for dementia patients but it's OK just to bringany project along to occupy one's fingers while everyone natters.  At the moment we are knitting a Christmas tree.  We've seen them and we want to have a go!  (Ang at Tracing Rainbows was involved in one a few years ago.) 
Tree knitted by United Church, Ferndown in 2017

We're going to be part of a Christmas tree festival which has nursey rhymes as its theme and we've chosen "Round and round the garden like a teddy bear".  After we have exhibited our tree the squares will be made into blankets, the teddies will be sent to a children's charity and the garden flowers will be sewn onto twiddle muffs.


  1. Thank you for showing our tree. It was around 5 feet high. There were over 600 squares which made 4 huge blankets for Romania. They went onto a frame made of felt and chicken wire and draped with fairy lights. (details here It was a crazy project, but great fun to do, and a blessing to so many people. I wish you well with your tree!

    1. Thank you for allowing me to include your photo!

  2. Wow, that is a beautiful tree. I hope you have success with yours. I wish I had a Knit and Natter group, our prayer shawl group has been on hiatus for the length of the pandemic.

    God bless.

    1. We are getting quite excited about our tree and Christmas is still six months away! The knitting and nattering have been very important and have given us ideas for outreach after the pandemic.
