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19 July 2020

Preparing for a Pandemic

I've been looking through old papers before I sling them and I found a fascinating advice sheet "Influenza Pandemic Special"  from the Bay of Plenty District Health Board.  I have no idea why I printed it out - the Bay of Plenty is on the North Island of New Zealand and is about as far from Lincolnshire as anywhere can be!  Our present pandemic isn't influenza but this still makes fascinating reading.  

Back in 2006 The Medical Officer of Health said "It's not a case of 'if' but 'when' ", and he went on to describe what was already happening.  "Already we are seeing examples of how pandemic planning activities are benefitting our communities  ...  neighbours are getting to know each other, households are making general preparations."  Sound familiar?

He promoted the mnemonic "CHIRP" 

Cover your cough or sneeze; 
Have healthy hands by washing them often and well;

Isolate yourself by staying at 1.5 metres distance from others and staying at home if ill;
Reduce germs in your home and workplace by regularly disinfecting surfaces;
Prepare yourself and your family by being vaccinated and having a plan.

It's a four page document with lots of useful information.  I wish I understood as much about our current regulations as I do about pandemic regulations in the Bay of Plenty in 2006


  1. Its almost as if having a plan when a country is not in a pandemic will help it do better when one arises.

  2. Maybe our Government needs to read that??
