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02 February 2020

Weird joy!

I feel as if I've had a lovely month but when I look back over January it looks a pretty awful thirty one days.   It started with a disgusting cold, meandered through problems with electricity. broadband, heating, and drains, veered off to the garden for a fallen fence then rapidly back indoors for a dead freezer and finished with a bruised face, the result of being attacked by the kitchen clock.  As I write all that it sounds like a catalogue of disasters.  I deserve sympathy.

But thank you very much, I don't need sympathy.  There has been so much joy!

The first snowdrops, primroses, and daffodils.  Wonderful soups and stews.  The kindness of someone saving a nearly new rollator for me.  Meals and coffees out with friends.  Joyful worship.  Trying a new craft (glass etching).  Great service from my landlord.  A ninetieth birthday party.

And through everything the kindness and support of others.  Truly I feel I can look back over a wonderful month.


  1. The attack by the kitchen clock sounds very odd!
    I hope February is wonderful for you too - and without so many things breaking down

    1. I've added a link to the post about the clock now!

  2. Your post demonstrates the need to focus on everything, not just the bad. Balance is everything. The slightly cheesy American blogs I have read are always taking about Thankfulness journals and while I am not about to start writing one of these it is important to acknowledge the brighter moments in the day. So, this week I have been very grateful for friendships.

    1. Welcome to my blog (I don't think I've seen you here before -sorry if I'm wrong). Just nipped over to yours and am now a follower.

    2. Interesting that you think American blogs are "cheesy". What are your criteria?

  3. Uts always a joy to write down your thoughts and realise it wasn't as bad as expected. So many positives...

  4. Even with sadness there is always joy. Thanks for reminding us.

    God bless.

  5. I hope that kitchen clock has been duly arrested, or at least given a warning. That is good you found joy and things to celebrate in that otherwise difficult month. In Women's Bible study we are studying the book "Finding Joy in Philippians" and I note that Paul mentions joy and rejoice 18 times. Isn't it amazing how he focuses on joy while in prison? He inspires me.
