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01 August 2019

Leaving July behind and entering August

July has been quite a busy month.  The big event of course was the garden party at Lambeth Palace.  I made a skirt which seems to have helped me find my creative mojo again. 
New poppy skirt
I’ve lead Sunday worship just once but I have done some midweek services as well as conducting a wedding. That was hectic – the couple had forgotten to tell me that they’d book pipers (bagpipes) and I had to suggest to someone who had decided to sit in the vicar’s stall that she was in my place!   I’ve also been organising three weddings to take in August.  We have a newly ordained deacon here in Caistor so I went to her welcome as well as being in the pews most Sundays. 

I’ve met up with various cousins and friends often for lunch.  I went to a family barbecue and caught up with some relatives whom I see only rarely.

My step count has been very low  Ooops!

August promises to be rather busy.  Three weddings for starters!  I’ve decided to try and complete a few projects craft-wise.  I’ll be posting about those on my other blog. 


  1. Love the skirt, the fabric is beautiful. I did laugh at someone sitting in your stall.

  2. It sounds like you have a nice balance of busyness and family and fun things, and I like your poppy skirt.

  3. Enjoy your August as it fills with things to do. I am finding as I get older seeing my cousins has become sweeter and sweeter.

  4. Cute skirt, so happy and bright.

    God bless.
