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02 June 2018

Pollyanna calling

Several recent commenters have mentioned that I seem to look on the happy side of life - and they are right.

I don't have some of the things which many people see as essential to happiness, notably good health and a family.  My health is distinctly "iffy" and my close family is somewhat limited although I'm richly provided with cousins, and I am in regular contact with many of them.  My closest relative is my only nephew who lives in Belgium so my contact with him is limited to phone calls and a couple of short visits each year.  There's also Auntie Hettie who lives here in Caistor and she's 93.

I had to retire seven years early because I had a mental breakdown. I had been carer for my mother as she faded away with dementia and later carer for my sister as she was overwhelmed by cancer.  Neither death was easy for me to cope with.  Part of my breakdown involved being unable to handle money sensibly so the money which I had hoped would give me a very comfortable retirement is considerably diminished.  I have recovered from the breakdown and am making strenuous efforts to increase my resources.  

So why am I telling you all this?

The clue is in the title for the post.  As I recovered from the breakdown I decided that I would look for the up-side of everything.  Sometimes I fail and I crawl under the duvet for a day or two, but for the most part I am able to "count my blessings".  I feel that there are a lot of very unhappy people in Blogland and I don't want to add to their number so this log reports the happy or humorous side of life and the duvet days don't often get mentioned.

This is not to criticise those who do use their blogs to tell of life in all its bloodiness.  Some are very unhappy, others are more honest than me and report their equivalent of duvet days.  I want to look for happiness and I hope that I can encourage others to do the same.

I'm expecting very "interesting" comments on this post.  Maybe I need to find my tin hat.  


  1. I'm with you on positivity.
    Talking about blogs in all their bloodiness I really don't like seeing injuries, insect bites etc. We all know what a gnat bite looks like without seeing someones picture!

  2. I think this might well be the first time I've read your blog, but I trust it won't be the last. I think you are being very sensible on looking on the brighter side of life. No one gets through life without some of the things you mention - illness and death of parents and even siblings, close relations living far away and the resultant feeling of isolation from those whom you perhaps know best. But taking each day at is comes, rejoicing in the good things that life has to offer, not to mention having a roof over y our head and sufficient food on the table, is the way forward, especially after a mental breakdown. Between you and me, I dislike blogs where the writer grumbles all the time. We all have our off days, but having a positive outlook on life does help get us through tough times. I wish you the very best of luck.
    Margaret P

  3. Totally agree with Sue about photos on blogs showing bites etc, revolting. I am so sorry you have had to deal with the sadness of loosing family, I was widowed young and so pleased to have really supportive children who have grown, married and have families of their own, we are all really close. I have never nor want another relationship which people do not understand. I love living alone, when %I see friends now in their 70’s living with miserable, aggressive men, so glad to be alone but everything is up to me and the family are good but all work, public sector, so long hours, I do quite a bit of childcare, it all just seems so pointless sometimes, same housework every day, never getting one step ahead. We are all different I guess, so glad you are happy.

    1. Lovely to hear of someone else who enjoys living alone. Yes, everything is up to me and one of my fears is that when I am no longer able to do things for myself I will be in trouble. However, quite a few people (friends and cousins) keep an eye on me as I am disabled, so I live in hope.

  4. I would never feel comfortable in 'revealing all'in a blog. We all have difficulties, but parts of our lives should stay private I feel. I would much rather read, and write, about the happy things in life, as you do.

    1. And your "Small Moments" is definitely about the happy times. Thank you.

  5. I would have never guessed about your breakdown. But, the way you are dealing with things --being a Pollyana -- is a blessing to all who read your blog. It is always so positive and uplifting, it is a place that I like to visit often!

  6. -gigggles- Hope you don't need your Tin Hat!!!!!!!

    No, you are not a Pollyanna. And if you were, that would be fine too. We each blog, exactly as it is right for us.

    I too, do not share "duvet days," or "duvet events," or etc. All lives have them. We know that. Some of us simply do not care to daily, put them out into the world, on the net.

    And we also need to remember that those "perfectly-perfect" blogs, are not telling all. They (and such Instagrams) can be sad-making, if one lets them be. Those lives loooook so perrrrrfect. And we could begin to wonder; "Why doesn't my life, house, yard, family, etc., look that perrrrrfect?" And such thoughts, can sting.

    So actually, I don't read those "perrrfectly perrrfect" blogs, anymore. They do not seem real. And I don't want to let myself, get grumpy, about what is in them.

    I like blogs, which give me a little peek, into the life of the blogger. As much or as little, as she chooses to show. Just simple stuff. Just all sorts of stuff. A recipe here. A good book there. A musing, a question, a..... whatever.

    I'm with you! I want to be peaceful, when I finish reading blogs. I don't want to be all riled up, over this and that problem.

    We want-to-be-peaceful bloggers, UNITE!!!!! :-)

    A 'Nana'

  7. I find that the more I appreciate the small things in life, the more there is to appreciate and to lift the spirits.

  8. I like read a variety of blogs and appreciate the cheerful contact with people. Everyone has bad times, a lot of us have health issues and money worries but as long as you can appreciate things in life, like flowers, I find you can be positive.

  9. I think TrishWish said it best. I come to this blog especially to read some positive words and to view some lovely pictures and to learn a bit about your corner of the world.
    My situation is not a lot different from yours - and everyone has those duvet days - but by and large I try to look on the bright side and to appreciate all the positives in my life.
    I have recently had to take a break from a friend who has been described as an emotional vampire (and not just by me) - the non stop negativity just became too exhausting. It's not good for her and it definitely wasn't good for me - so - thank you for being a "Pollyanna" - loved that film!

  10. Nobody lives a 'perfect' life, otherwise we would not be of this world. But even in this less than a perfect world of ours, one can still find joy... in the small things—that’s the secret. Magic comes from what is inside you, it is a part of you, you can't just weave together a spell that you don’t believe in. I want to believe in a beautiful world, even if most of the times it isn’t.

