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10 May 2018

Jam Today

Elsham Hall (only the gardens are open to the public)
We've had several lovely days here in lovely Lincolnshire so after I'd been to Brigg today I decided to visit Elsham Hall Park, a place I've been meaning to visit for quite a while.

I couldn't believe how quiet it was.  I didn't see any other visitors at all!  It's a place which is popular at weekends and probably during school holidays but on a lovely day in May it was deserted.

Only it wasn't.  As I went around I was definitely being watched.  

It started with a lamb.  He definitely saw me as being provided for his personal entertainment.  I was a disappointment.

These two fellows regarded me with disdain.  Who can blame them?  

The donkeys couldn't even be bothered to regard me which is a pity.   I quite like bending a donkey's ears.  They are usually excellent listeners.

I moved on to the bird life.  The peacock was definitely on the showy side but sadly it wasn't me that he wanted to impress.  He'd got his eye on a peahen but she wasn't very interested in him.  

Ah well the ducks were interested.  Interested in my sandwich.  I know my place in the great scheme of things.

All in all I enjoyed my visit to Elsham.  I'll be going back later in the year to see the gardens.  So expect to catch up with my new-found animal friends over the next few months.  


  1. Alpacas are usually very friendly. I do like their funny faces!

    1. Th variety of hairstyles make me laugh!

  2. Looks as though the lamb was really close to you, probably hoping for one or two tasty snacks. There are lots of snowy white lambs up on the Moor near my home but we're having to steer clear because they have a magnetic attraction for Benji - he is desperate to go and join them. Not good, so we have been going elsewhere for several weeks now. We have plenty of alternative choices.

    1. There is a ewe with two lambs in a large pen in the middle of a garden. The lambs are obviously used to humans and come to the fence to investigate. The alpacas looked as though they were still digesting lunch and couldn't be bothered with anybody.

  3. That peacock display is wonderful. Shame about the donkeys, but you definitely had the full attention of the lamb.

  4. Oh, what fun! It is good it wasn't crowded and you could take all the time you wanted to visit those gorgeous animals and take these lovely photos!

  5. What a lovely tour, shame the animals were a little disinterested but nice to know that they were used to humans and not intimidated at all. Sounds like a good trip out.

  6. Yes, it's a good place to gave found. It's only about eight miles from home so I shall be going back. I may even buy a season ticket.

  7. Actually, I'll bet your animal friends, were a lot nicer, than hoards of people. :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    A 'Nana'

  8. Too bad Abner couldn't have tagged along with you. He's always attempting to make friends with the animals everywhere we go. Dogs and cats are at the top of his list but in his book animals in general have a very important place in this world.

    That lamb is SOOOOOO darling!
