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31 May 2024

I may!


I may have been away from this blog a lot but I think I have done a lot this month.

I led worship at three different churches.

I hosted three lunches at home for friends and took three cousins together for a pub lunch to celebrate their birthdays.  All three cousins have birthdays in May or June.

I did five on line workshops with the WI.

I went swimming once.

I made a couple of Christmas decorations.

I had my annual health checks and it appears that I am still alive.  Always good to know.

I had a five night holiday staying with my nephew near Worcester.

I had a day on a canal boat with two friends and their dog.  This was very interesting - they have just bought a solar powered narrowboat with all mod cons.  Even the dog approves as they now cruise silently with not even the chug of the engine to disturb him.  (Very daft dog!)  Solar power even runs a washer/dryer as well as a fridge, freezer and everything else regular narrow-boaters could want. 

I went dog sitting for ten days.

And somewhere along the line, found time to breathe.  I hope to repeat this feat in June.

27 May 2024

211 sleeps

 I pressed on and made a partridge!  Or at least "the book" says it's a partridge.  The creation on my table looks better than the photo but you get the idea.

The suicidal birds on the roads around here look more like this.

This is the book I am using.

I am regarding this as a challenge.  

And it would still not be a good idea to wait for that drummer drumming.

25 May 2024

213 sleeps to go

 I make almost all my Christmas presents and all my own cards.  What I rarely make is anything for me!

And it's years since I did any embroidery, probably at least twenty five years.

So I remedied both this week and embroidered a pear to hang on my Christmas tree. (M from NZ, I hang my head in shame when I look at your glorious creations.)

There may be a partridge to follow.

But don't hold your breath for even one drummer drumming!

01 May 2024


 TWAHAM?  That was April, how about May!  

I used to write the occasional post like this years ago but haven't done so for ages.  So here goes!


I made my Christmas cards apart from the inners.

I made strenuous efforts to keep energy consumption low. 

I started a coding course but realised it’s not for me!

I celebrated, very quietly and alone, the thirtieth anniversary of my priestly ordination.

I led worship at three different churches as well as my regular on line commitment.

I got a video doorbell.   I decide that I need to get things whilst I can still learn how to use them!

I did three nights dog sitting

I joined the Scottish National Trust again.   They ask only £62.40 where as the National Trust (for England) would want £91.20.  My Scottish card gets me into English and Welsh properties and, although I won't get an (English) handbook, all the information in it is available on line.  

I hosted a couple of lunches. 

I went to a confirmation for a severely autistic (non verbal) man.  His faith expresed through that service, moved me to tears.  


I'm taking a short holiday, staying with my nephew in Worcestershire.

I'm booked for ten nights dog sitting. 

Im booked to lead worship on three Sundays. 

I have thee more lunches to host.

And my garden is coming into bloom!

Bring it on!