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26 September 2022

A is for Autumn


Autumn.  It was so exciting to go back to school in the autumn when I was a child.  It was the time we got a new teacher and, four times in my school career, it was the time when I started at a new school.  For three of those I had a new school uniform and then there was the bliss of Sixth Form College and no uniform at all.  

There were seasonal games,  especially conkers.  Leaf kicking was pretty good too.  Seasonal activities included the auditions and first rehearsals for the school play.  And as the term wore on we started to learn new carols for the end of term carol service.

Foods changed too.  Stews were the order of the day and Mother would be well into jam and chutney making.  The house smelt wonderful.

As I get older I worry a little about fuel bills but I love wrapping myself in blankets and throw in my armchair.  I rather like my thick winter tights and cosy jumpers too.  Christmas is to be planned for and delightful meals with friends anticipated.

I rather like autumn!  How about you?


  1. A Spanish friend said it was a blissful time, cosy homes, warm radiators and loads of hot chocolate.

  2. Sadly there are just too many people right now feeling too anxious to put on their heating because of the costs. But blankets and dressing gowns are going to be the order of the day here I think

    1. Definitely a need to keep a very careful eye on fuel consumption. There will be a lot of anxiety this year.

  3. It is another pretty time of year here. Don't mind the chill so long as I have enough layers on.

    1. One of my great ambitions was to see new England in the fall. And I managed for my retirement cruise in 2009. Glorious

  4. I also enjoy the cooler weather, bundling up in a blanket and wearing cozy socks.

    God bless.

    1. Even though the socks and blankets are essential they can still be enjoyed!

  5. I love when the weather cools and the smell of apples drifts to our home from a nearby packing house. That being said, I have already switched to wearing my flannel shirts and wool socks. Trying to keep from turning on the heat for as long as possible.

    1. Flicking the switch for heating will feel very extravagant this year

  6. Autumn is my favorite season although it is short here — we seem to go from raging summer to winter in a heartbeat. But I love everything about the season — the food, the clothes, the cozy. Of course, with it comes the allergies but other than that, it is perfect.
