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30 September 2022

D is for Deacon

 I decided not to write a post yesterday because I wanted to save "D" for today, the anniversary of my ordination as a Deacon.

Dressed as a Deacon ready to officiate at my first wedding

It was in 1990 that I was ordained in Leicester Cathedral, now famous as the burial place of Richard III.  In the Church of England and some other churches, the diaconate is the first stage of ordained ministry but in some other churches deacons are not ordained.  However they are appointed, deacons are a sign of servanthood in the church.  The word "deacon" actually means "servant".  Our ordination service says 

"Deacons are ordained so that the people of God may be better equipped to make Christ known. Theirs is a life of visible self-giving. Christ is the pattern of their calling and their commission; as he washed the feet of his disciples, so they must wash the feet of others"

Although I have since been ordained priest, I will always be a deacon, a servant.  I value this ministry.

But ordination cannot compare to baptism, that sacrament in which "Christ claimed me for his own".  What a blessing!

28 September 2022

C is for Christmas

 I almost started this post by saying "Sorry about that" but I don't feel apologetic  There are eighty eight more sleeps before Christmas so no need to panic, but I want to get a good start on my preparations now. 

I know I've said this before, but when I was in the regular vicars I knew I had to have my personal Christmas prepared (cards written, presents bought and wrapped etc) by the end of October or I didn't get a personal Christmas.  November I prepared my professional Christmas and then in December I went to all the carol services, Christmas parties and general socialising that I was invited to and still had time for the funerals and pastoral visiting which are part of every minister's everyday life.  

Once I retired I let early preparation slip a bit, but last year I made a very determined effort to get ready for Christmas really early, and I was so glad that I did.  December I was able to enjoy Advent and then Christmas, I was able to reflect and pray and the real meaning of Christmas was able to shine though the razzmatazz.  

So, here are two of the first presents I have made.  I made something similar for several friends last year but these are destined for friends who live in different parts of the country.  Each wreath will have to be mailed so they are robust enough to be posted.  My cards are written but left unsealed in case of last minute messages.  

27 September 2022

B is for blogging

You've probably realised that I am struggling a little to get back to blogging.  I doubt if I will get to thinking about what X, Y and Z are for but B for Blogging sounds like a good idea.

But why blog anyway?  It's a question which appears on many blogs from time to time and it's a question which probably occurs to most bloggers rather frequently, especially when they can't think what to write about.  I am in awe of people who publish every day!

I blog because I enjoy writing.  Each post is very carefully considered and I try very hard to use just the right words and careful grammar.  I like the feeling of contact with other people, most of whom I have never met - thank you anyone who comments.  I like reading other people's blogs and this is my contribution to the blogosphere.  

I have a Facebook account which I never use and I don't bother with Twitter, Instagram or anything else.  I don't approve comments before they are published but I delete any that are "dodgy".  I've never worked out why anyone would try and advertise escort services in Mumbai on a blog belonging to a retired lady vicar in Lincolnshire!   

26 September 2022

A is for Autumn


Autumn.  It was so exciting to go back to school in the autumn when I was a child.  It was the time we got a new teacher and, four times in my school career, it was the time when I started at a new school.  For three of those I had a new school uniform and then there was the bliss of Sixth Form College and no uniform at all.  

There were seasonal games,  especially conkers.  Leaf kicking was pretty good too.  Seasonal activities included the auditions and first rehearsals for the school play.  And as the term wore on we started to learn new carols for the end of term carol service.

Foods changed too.  Stews were the order of the day and Mother would be well into jam and chutney making.  The house smelt wonderful.

As I get older I worry a little about fuel bills but I love wrapping myself in blankets and throw in my armchair.  I rather like my thick winter tights and cosy jumpers too.  Christmas is to be planned for and delightful meals with friends anticipated.

I rather like autumn!  How about you?

03 September 2022

Quirky Garden

 Not from here is the Walled Garden at Baumber.  It's one of the quirkiest gardens I've ever visited.  

The tea room and snack shack are both built from reclaimed doors and windows.

Despite being several miles from the sea there are beach huts and a boat.

And, despite being thousands of miles from Egypt there's a Pharaoh and a crocodile.

I shall be going back very soon!