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17 August 2022

Fifteen more finishes

 I belong a "Knit and Natter" group but we have been meeting via zoom for a while.  At first it was the pandemic which stopped us meeting face-to-face,  but now it's the cost of petrol!  

Yesterday though we met up for real!  About a dozen of us went for tea and cakes at Sylvia's home.  And a noisy time was had by all. 

Sadly one of our members has had to go and live in a residential care home but she had said we could share out her wool stash and she had certainly known how to stash!  Most of us knit for various charities and we have a special concern for homeless people so any cash we have gets spent on thermal socks, gloves etc. for them and we knit hats and scarves.

(I've shown you one of these before)

So this was my contribution for the year.  Four scarves, each about six feet long, and eleven hats.  


  1. That's brilliant to have been given someone's stash and then to make warm items to help other people. I have long thought there are 2 types of crafters, those you love to make things, and those who love to purchase craft items and never use them.

  2. How nice to be able to meet up with your group. Your knitting has such jolly colours, bound to bring joy to someone.

  3. Your friend is still helping others by sharing her supplies. A worthy investment if time- both the cause and fun.

    1. We all signed a card thanking her for her very generous gift and she will also get photographs of the things we all knitted.

  4. That's a great achievement and I'm sure the folks who are lucky enough to receive them will be so thankful in the cold weather. They're lovely and bright, so cheerful.

  5. My goodness, Mary, you have been a busy girl! It is all lovely!

    1. When I can't do anything else I can sometimes knit.
