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12 February 2022

Recycled tree

 Last year I wrote about a tree I was helping to knit with a local church group but I never showed you the result.  I didn't actually see the result myself as I wasn't well that weekend but here it is.   Our theme was "Round and round the garden like a teddy bear".  As you can see, we had been knitting very enthusiastically!

We decided that whatever we knitted couldn't just be for a "two weekend tree" so several of our ladies have been making twiddle rugs for dementia patients.

Twiddle rugs and twiddle muffs give people with dementia something to do with their hands whilst also keeping them warm.  We used squares and flowers (and a bee!) from the tree and then a  group member crocheted a border.

The teddy bears have been sent to a Women's Refuge and also to the Fire Brigade and Traffic Police to be given to traumatised children at accident scenes.  

I feel happy that I was involved.  



  1. That is an amazing project, so worthwhile.

  2. I thought I saw my MIL in your picture on quick glance and wondered how she got to England! The tree is very impressive. The teddy bears are so sweet.

  3. I used to knitbears like that for refugees - the idea being that children would have left all their toys, so a bear for a traumatised child would be something so important. I love the idea that something so homespun could be so important.

  4. Amazing. I wonder if I could talk our church ladies into doing something similar next year.

    God bless.

  5. Such a beautiful project!x
