When I thought about getting older I thought about loss of physical fitness, gains in "me" time, loss of (some of) my hair, gain of avoirdupois, but I never thought about loss of "usefulness".
I've always been a busy sort of gal. My jobs have always been in public service and I have done quite a bit of voluntary work. I can remember wishing I had been more ready to say "No" when asked to help out!
Then came retirement and, even more devastating, a walking stick, rollator and trundle truck (mobility scooter). Suddenly I was in a new group, "The Disabled". Suddenly I was viewed as always needing help and having no ability to offer help.
But there are things I can do and this week one of those things came to me in the shape of a Scout shirt and a Brownie campfire blanket. Like most mums Annie works full time and the thought of stitching all those badges was a little overwhelming so she thought of me. She knows I sew and, indeed, I enjoy sewing so she brought the whole lot to me.
A section of Brownie blanket |
So it's win:win:win Annie's children can wear their badges with pride, Annie can put her feet up and I feel useful and grateful to have been able to help.
The only problem is that the Scout leader sent a message asking if I would like to be badge sewer for the whole Group.
That would be being rather too useful, I feel.