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23 October 2021

Three score years and ten

Biblically, as of today, I am an old lady. At the moment my legs would agree with that opinion but my head still wonders how it happened.  

I decided a while ago that I wouldn't make a fuss about the Big Seven Oh as I'm still uncomfortable about going to pubs and restaurants so inviting friends and family out for lunch didn't seem like a good idea.  However, other people decided that such a day couldn't go unmarked.  As a result I had fudge brownies for breakfast.

And chocolate biscuits mid morning.

And steak, wedges and salad at lunchtime.

And THREE different birthday cakes,

But most of the seventy chocolates are still in the box.

My Mother told me that at 7pm seventy years ago she was cooking fish and chips for Father's evening meal and by 7.30pm she was nursing me.  I can't manage that sort of speed these days.  And certainly not this evening.  


  1. Many happy returns!! How lovely to have three different cakes!

    1. Trad fruit fruit, chocolate and lemon drizzle! And none of the donors knew that others were baking too!

    2. Three DIFFEENT cakes sound brilliant. Happy Birthday

  2. Happy birthday. At my 70 birthday in March this year I had a Chinese takeaway with my daughter and her family and skyped with my son and his family up in Huddersfield. My grandson made me a birthday cake with chocolate buttons making the 70.

    1. My nephew and his partner came and cooked the lunch - they had offered to take me out but I wanted to eat at home. And everybody else helped to eat the birthday cakes!

  3. Happy Birthday.

    Have one chocolate every day for 70 days... Sweets for the sweet.

    God bless.

    1. I think I shall take up your suggestion although there are rather less than seventy left because I handed them around. Honest!

  4. Happy Birthday! If I'd known I would have sent you a birthday card. I'll put the date on the calendar for the future.
    Have company here so didn't see your post to until Sunday morning. Hope you had lots of calls and wishes.

    1. Thanks for your good wishes. Letter posted last week.

  5. Belated good wishes for your Biblical Milestone Birthday. Hope all the cake and chocolate doesn't do too much damage to your successful weight loss ;-)

  6. The cakes (other than that consumed on the day) has been sliced and frozen for occasional treats. I'm trying to follow Jackie's excellent suggestion of one a day for the chocs. Well, that's the intention!
